Fetch Some Fun: 10 Interesting Dog Facts You Didn't Know.

  1. Dogs have a sense of time. They can sense when it's time for their regular walk, meal, or playtime.
  2. Dogs dream just like humans do. You might notice your dog twitching or making noises while they sleep - this is because they're dreaming!
  3. Dogs have a special gland in their rectum that contains a unique scent. This is why dogs sniff each other's rear ends - they are smelling this scent to learn more about each other.
  4. A dog's sense of hearing is four times better than a human's. They can hear sounds at much higher frequencies and from much further away than we can.
  5. Dogs have a great sense of direction and can find their way home from unfamiliar places. This is thanks to their keen sense of smell and their ability to recognize landmarks.
  6. Dogs can smell fear. When humans are scared, our bodies release different chemicals, which dogs can pick up on. This is why some dogs might bark or growl at strangers who are afraid of them.
  7. Dogs can detect some medical conditions in humans, such as seizures, diabetes, and cancer. They are trained to recognize the specific scents associated with these conditions and alert their owners.
  8. A dog's sense of hearing is four times better than a human's. They can hear sounds at much higher frequencies and from much further away than we can.
  9. A dog's wet nose is not only cute, but it also helps them pick up scents better. The moisture on their nose helps absorb scent chemicals, making their sense of smell even stronger.
  10. Dogs can be left or right-pawed, just like humans can be left or right-handed. Research suggests that male dogs are more likely to be left-pawed, while females are more likely to be right-pawed.